Becoming the master of your wellbeing is THE ART OF HEALTH
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Groundbreaking Services
The Art of Health offers cutting edge information and strategies for understanding the workings of the human mind and body. Consultations, Seminars, Online Teleseminars, Free Advice and Inspiration helping you to reunite body, mind and spirit...

Mickel Therapy
Mickel Therapy is a specialist talking therapy designed to identify the cause of chronic conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, fibromyalgia, stress and depression. Plus it gives you the tools to heal...

Qi Gong and Meditation
Qi Gong and meditation calm the mind, relax the body, increase flexibility, improve focus, prevent and heal illness. The gentle exercises are simple, effective and easy to learn...

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Qi Gong makes it to the mainsteam
in Womans Day Magazine
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Art of Health Teleseminars Facebook page
Art of Health Online Teleseminars and Webinars

Teleseminars - listen and learn from anywhere in the world via the internet, skype or phone - and download the MP3 recording afterwards - yours to keep and replay.
Please scroll down to see all upcoming teleseminar events
Events are listed in chronological order.
Emotional Intelligence Telesummit
Learn how to harness the extra-ordinary power of your emotional intelligence for health, happiness and ultimate success... and impact positively on the planet
3 - 18 September 2012
EQ - Could this be the key to personal and planetary transformation? 24 World experts in Emotional Intelligence show you how to Ignite your Full Potential by harnessing the Extra-Ordinary power of your inbuilt Emotional Intelligence system.
Improve your Health, increase your Wealth, ignite Relationships, optimize your Career and more... all whilst making a massive, positive difference for the Planet!
Listen to the complete series for free, or join the premium package from $97 and receive over $1500 of value in seminars, bonus gifts and presenter prize draws. An amazing event!
Sign up before the earlybird deadline to recieve additional bonus gifts, including free audio programs, teleseminars and ebooks.
Emotional Intelligence Summit - Details and registration here
mBraining - Use your multiple brains to do cool stuff’!
Free Webinar - Mon 3 Sept (USA) Tues 4 Sept (NZ)
mBraining: Learn how to use your multiple brains to do cool stuff’! mbraining is an exciting and groundbreaking technique which reveals how we have three complex and functional brains - heart brain, gut brain and head brain - and how we can harness and integrate these multiple brains for greater success, wisdom and happiness.
Free online webinar: Your chance to win a private mBraining coaching session and the book mBraining worth $495.
Everyone who registers will receive a FREE mBraining audio exercise to practice mBraining.
Free mBraining Webinar - details and registration here
New Transformations TeleSummit
32 Mastery Calls on how to experience a new consciousness which will impact all areas of your life!
ON NOW! Free Access for 48 hours to calls
Details and registration here
New Awakenings TeleSummit
Revolutionary Ideals and Principles to Awaken and Expand your Consciousness to Realize your Full Potential
Details and registration here
Mickel Therapy - Online Client Coaching Program
Online Coaching Teleseries
with Senior Mickel Therapist Kim Knight
Dates to be advised soon
Are you ready to move your Mickel Therapy tools and skills to the next level?
Is you life and health on track, or could you do with a Mickel Therapy 'top up' to help with:
- work-life balance
- management of emotions
- resolution of outstanding issues
- symptom removal
- or communication and assertiveness strategies?
Overview of Mickel Therapy Client Graduate program here
The Magic of Qi Gong - Ongoing online Qi Gong Teleseries
Would you like the opportunity to transform your health?
A comprehensive, practical Qi Gong online seminar series with Qi Gong Instructors Kim Knight and Vlado Rashev
This indepth 5 session online teleclass gives you:
- An indepth understanding of the theory behind why and how Qi Gong exercises work
- A practical suite of easy-to-use Qi Gong exercises for self-healing, a clear mind and healthy body
- Practical, ongoing tools to look after your own health
Detailed overview of the 5 session series here
Art of Health webinars for HRINZ (HR Institute of NZ)
Resolving conflict and creating positive change
Date: 3 October 2012, 12.00-1.00pm (NZ)
Led by Kim Knight, The Art of Health
Member: $50.00 +gst
Non-member: $80.00 +gst
Conflict. What do you think of when you hear that word? How does conflict make you feel? Conflict is inevitable - it's a normal aspect of human interaction. Conflict arises from unmet needs, unrecognized differences, and difficulties in coping with life changes and challenges. At the heart of every conflict are two people striving for something better. Conflict will exist as long as people work and live together.
By the end of the teleseminar, participants will be able to recognize what contributes to conflict and what contributes to its resolution. They will also be able to explain how perceptions of self and the difficulty in seeing a situation from another’s perspective play a role in conflict situations. Such awareness will support participants in moving past conflict, resolving it, and creating positive change as an outcome of any conflict situation
This Webinar explores with participants why we react to conflict the way we do, and provides new perspectives around how we approach conflict and can see it in a more positive light.
Please book directly with HRINZ:
Resolving Conflict and Creating Positive Change Webinar
The power of effective communication webinar
Date: 7 November 2012, 12.00-1.00pm (NZ)
Led by Kim Knight, The Art of Health
Member: $50.00 +gst
Non-member: $80.00 +gst
It may come as a surprise, but communicating with others is the one activity you do more than any other - except for breathing. No doubt there's plenty of communicating going on in your life. But how effective is it? What results does it get you? Excellent interpersonal communication skills are the most potent career and personal skills you can possess, but just because you have the ability to speak doesn't mean you are effectively speaking, and your ability to hear doesn't mean you're truly hearing what someone else is saying to you.
In this Webinar, you will learn powerful techniques to be a better speaker and listener by discovering more about: What is it that we are really looking for when we communicate with each other? What gets in the way of our communication and how to overcome it? And what's essential in all communication interactions?
Please book directly with HRINZ:
The Power of Effective Communication Webinar
The Magic of Qigong:
Ancient secrets for health, success and longevity
An introduction to the theory and practice of Qi Gong
with Qi Gong Instructors Kim Knight and Vlado Rashev
Free teleseminar - ongoing replay
Full details of Magic of Qi Gong teleseminar
Raising Incredible Kids:
Co-Creating Incredible Experiences and Lives Together
with Emotional Pro Ilene Dillon, hosted by EQ expert Kim Knight
Date tba
Listen live or listen later (call will be recorded)
Ilene Dillon - Emotional Pro
Are you tired of parenting information that shows you how to work with one tiny issue at a time?
Are you fearful of losing communication with your child when s/he enters adolescence?
Are you ready to raise children who make great decisions?
Incredible kids result when they have Incredible Parents—and YOU have the capacity to be an Incredible Parent, starting today!
Learn a simple, 3-step process even the youngest child can use is what you can choose to teach your child. This and much more on this free teleseminar from the Art of Health.
Incredible Parenting teleseminar details and registration here
Rewire your brain to dissolve stress, anxiety, illness, emotions and trauma
10 day free online event
Attend the virtual 10 day tapping summit - free!
Tapping, most commonly known as EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique, is a type of energy pyschology that combines eastern medicine and modern pyschology. Tapping can be used to bring lasting relief from chronic pain, emotional problems, disorders, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, physical diseases and more.
The Tapping World Summit is an online event that you can attend for free while the events are played live. Each presentation is jam-packed with value-rich content which you can use immediately on yourself.
Each day, twice a day for ten days, you are personally taught how to use tapping for specific issues. You "tap-along" with experts for specific topics and learn step-by-step the fundamentals of Tapping, all the way through to advanced techniques.
Details and registration for World Tapping Summit 2012
Becky Cashman 'Mind of a Guide' video series - how to get to where you want to go in life... and still stay sane at the end of a busy day!
Free Introductory Online Video Series
Award-winning natural therapist Becky Cashman from shares some great tips on how to ensure you end up where you want to go in life.... and stay sane at the end of a busy day!
In the first video, 'The Secret of Don't', Becky shares:
- How to get where you want to go in life using the secret of 'Point Positive'
- What to do to stop getting where you don't want to end up!
- 3 tips for programming your mind, and your childrens' minds, for success
- Why it's critical to take your focus off what you don't want if you want to get positive results in life!
Becky Cashman 'Mind of a Guide' video series
EQ - Cracking the human intelligence code
Free Online Teleseminar
Thursday 3 May 2012 10-11am
- Would you like to feel confident and poised in interaction with others?
- Would you like to have better relationships with friends and family?
- How would it be if you could understand others at a mind and heart level?
Discover how to tap into your infinite wisdom resources... for an easier, happier, healthier life!
Learn how to use your 3 brains in order to stay on track and on purpose, so that you know from deep within you are living in tune with your highest Go-o-d.
Are you tired of your emotions running wild and not knowing how to deal with them?
It’s time to put an end to the confusing mystery of human emotion. Come JOIN ME for an information packed free teleseminar that will demystify emotions once and for all…
Full details and registration of EQ - Cracking the human intelligence code teleseminar
Mickel Therapy - a methodical approach to chronic illness
Online Webinar (Audio and slide presentation)
Listen online and get the MP3 recording
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Listen to Dr David Mickel, founder of Mickel Therapy, as he explains his latest findings... and solutions... to chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel and more
Full details of Mickel Therapy Free Teleseminar and registration here
Diary of a heart transplant - true story of how to manage the thoughts, feelings and beliefs of a previous heart's owner
Free teleseminar - ongoing replay
A free teleseminar with Universal Healing Tao Instructor Minke de Vos, hosted by Qi Gong instructor Kim Knight
Healing expert Minke de Vos shares her amazing story of transformation after a heart transplant.
Register for Heart Healing Teleseminar
The Magic of Qi Gong - 4 week online Qi Gong Teleseminar
Would you like the opportunity to transform your health?
A comprehensive, practical Qi Gong online seminar series with Qi Gong Instructors Kim Knight and Vlado Rashev
This event is now over - details of the replay coming soon!
Chronic Illness Recovery Telesummit
Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Adrenal Exhaustion Recovery Telesummit
A beyond-the-medical approach to chronic illness recovery: a new paradigm in healthcare
A beyond-the-medical approach to chronic illness - a new paradigm in healthcare
· 10 world experts
· 12 teleseminars
· 20 hours of cutting-edge information and advice
Ground-breaking mind-body solutions to chronic illness, with a special focus on chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, pain, IBS, depression and more
Do you have a chronic (long-term) illness that just won’t go away?
Do you have aches and pains which have no apparent cause?
Are you looking for answers that don’t require medication?
How would it feel if you found effective, practical solutions
so that you could live a happy and pain-free life?
Your expert presenters are:
- Niki Gratrix, Nutritional Therapist and CFS/ME expert (UK)
- David Holden, Naturopath, Iridologist and Biochemist (NZ)
- Dr David Mickel, founder of Mickel Therapy (UK)
- Kyle Davies, Chartered Psychologist, Metaphysician (UK)
- Richard Flook, founder of Meta Medicine (Canada / UK)
- Mel Abbott, Lightening Therapist (NZ)
Plus 5 Bonus Sessions:
- Kim Knight, CFS, Stress, Emotional Intelligence expert (NZ)
- Dr James Wilson ND PhD, author of 21st Century Syndrome: Adrenal Fatigue (USA)
- Dr Katka Novakova, medical doctor, acupuncturist (USA)
- Kim Knight - summary of complete series
- Niki Gratrix - Bonus seminar
Please note the live event has finished and is now available as an
online audio series or hard copy audio CD. Details here.
Emotional Health Teleseminar Series
Emotional Health Online Teleseries
How to regain and improve physical and mental health by mastering emotions and stress!
- Do you know that managing emotions is the key to good health?
- Do you know that not managing emotions can lead to severe physical aches and pains?
- Would you like to know how to manage and master your emotions for optimum emotional, mental and physical wellbeing?
'Which therapy' Teleseminar series
'Which natural therapy is right for me?' Free Teleseminar series
Register for free and listen live or later...
Mickel Therapy Online Teleseries
Indepth experience of Mickel Therapy techniques for uncreating symptoms and maintaing good health
2012 dates to be advised
This teleseries will be led by senior Mickel Therapist Kim Knight and Dr David Mickel, founder of Mickel Therapy
Details coming soon - to be kept up to date fill in the form at the bottom of this page
Basics of the Universal Healing Tao
Gabrielle Euteneuer |
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Kim Knight |
The healing meditation practices of the Universal Tao
5 Week Online Teleclass: Date to be advised
During this teleseminar series Universal Healing Tao Instructor Kim Knight will be joined by senior Universal Healing Tao instructor Gabrielle Euteneuer. Together they will teach the core foundation practices of the Universal Healing Tao, ancient Chinese practices for health and longevity.
Teleseminar how to connect and connection costs
Teleseminar Terms and Conditions
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What is a Teleseminar?
For anyone not yet familiar with teleseminars and webinars, these are seminars conducted over the phone and web. A teleseminar or webinar takes internet technology and opens up learning to the world. .
Teleseminar how to connect and connection costs
Teleseminar Terms and Conditions
Want to run your own Teleseminars?
The Art of Health recommends Instant Teleseminar