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Art of Health Emotional Health Teleseries December 2011

Emotional Health Online Teleseries
How to regain and improve physical and mental health by mastering emotions and stress!
1, 8, 15, 22 December 2011, Thursdays 9-10.30am (NZ)
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Why is it important to understand and manage emotions?
- Do you know that managing emotions is the key to good health?
- Do you know that not managing emotions can lead to severe physical aches and pains, and even chronic long-term illness?
- Would you like to know how to manage and master your emotions for optimum emotional, mental and physical wellbeing?
Then read on...
What people say about working with Kim
"Now I am back to full health, I have had no symptoms for weeks since the end of the course. I notice dramatic changes in my health. Now if I do feel any stress, tiredness, emotion or unease I am able to use the techniques that I learnt to identify what is troubling me and deal with things.
I understand now that depression is a depression of emotions not a weakness and an inability to cope. I am able to identify emotions and act accordingly so that I remain in a healthy balanced state, this understanding has been very powerful."HM, 29yrs, Christchurch
About Kim Knight, emotional intelligence (EQ) and stress eradication expert
Kim has been studying the phenomenon of emotional intelligence and stress management for over 20 years. This came as a direct result of understanding that unconscious emotional 'mismanagement' was the cause of her depression (de-pressing emotions), back pain (feeling lack of support), chronic fatigue (chronic block of emotional energy), hayfever (feeling irritated), bladder infections (fear), anxiety (overload of emotions) and more.
Through learning how to identify, manage, dissolve and resolve emotions, Kim has healed herself from a number of chronic conditions deemed incomprehensible and incurable by many medical doctors.
Kim has studied emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ) from both an Eastern and Western perspective, training in a number of cutting-edge energy pyschology techniques such as Mickel Therapy, Moativational Medicine, Qi Gong, Taoist meditation, energy healing and more.
She now works with clients worldwide helping them to recover from stress, anxiety and chronic illnesses... simply by helping them manage and master their mental and emotional selves.
""Changes noticed since treatment: physical - decrease in muscle tension, nerve sensitivity in legs and teeth grinding. 95% reduction in CFS symptoms such as fatigue and brain fog. I can live with joy and spontaneity after being untied from old and often irrelevant emotional constraints. I have become much more honest and authentic with myself and others. This has generated massive self-confidence". AM, Australia
Emotional Management - the key to managing health
Do you know that training your 'emotional intelligence':
- Enhances intuition and allows you to tune into your higher self to discover your passion and follow your purpose?
- Prevents illness by sending warning signals to alert the body with crucial information for keeping the body in balance and stay well?
- Helps warn and protect you from harmful situations and avoid accidents?
- Assists you to live life effortlessly by tuning into your heart mind and gut brain, which also saves energy in the head brain (which uses 20% of our total energy reserves)
Stress Management - the key to preventing illness
Do you know the benefits of reducing stress?
- Stress is the 'fertile ground' for the growth of illness. Why? Because when our body is in the 'stress' or 'sympathetic nervous system response', all systems of the body are under pressure. For example, digestion stops and heart rate increases. When we live in a constant state of stress, our body simply cannot carry out its routine functions properly, and over time this will lead to illness.
- When the body is in the stress response, that natural healing response stops. Therefore we are less likely to heal when we are stuck in the stress response.
- Kim will show you how you can significantly reduce your stress response during this teleclass.
"Now I have bounced back to my normal state of loving life and wanting to live life to the absolute maximum taking all the opportunities I can to live a different life. I am free of so many issues that had weighed me down to the point where I was unable to get out of bed. I am a new person, happier, healthier and able to communicate in a new way with people, I am free of feeling judged and pressured. Now I am able to see that there is no 'bad' emotions, they all serve a purpose." MH, New Zealand
What will you learn on this event?
During this 4 week teleclass Kim you will learn:
How to manage emotions and stress to enhance health and prevent illness:
- How emotions drive disease and therefore how emotional management is critical for good health
- How emotions are a form of communication trying to give us valuable information if we are willing and ready to listen
- The difference between emotions and thoughts, why we cannot 'think feelings away' and how we can resolve emotions very quickly and easily
- How our body communicates with us via emotions and symptoms and the 3 levels of communication in the body
- How to dispel negative or uncomfortable emotions without having to get emotional
- How de-pression is the depressing of emotions and how anxiety is an overload of emotions
- How disease is really just a severe state of internal, unconscious 'dis-ease'
"My physical fatigue symptoms completely disappeared early on. My anxiety has reduced immensely. Emotionally, I can now allow myself to feel a range of emotions (even without knowing a specific reason behind them). Apart from the obvious lack of fatigue symptoms giving me physical energy, I am able to talk more frankly and express my thoughts more rather than being afraid of what people think of me." Suzy, 30yrs, Auckland
The real meaning of symptoms:
- How our natural state is good health and happiness, and therefore illness is a straying off-track from our natural state, and what we need to do to get back on track
- What symptoms really are: how they are a form of communicaiton from the body, a way of getting a 'message' through to us, and how we can start to interpret that message
- Why medication usually is only treating the effects rather than the true cause and root of illness
- How it is important to treat the person rather than getting hooked into the symptoms or condition, because the symptoms are each person's body's way of drawing attention to a deeper issue
- How stress is the fertile ground for the sowing of dis-ease and how managing and reducing stress is therefore critical for good health
"What I liked most about Mickel Therapy was how it all made such sense; that it wasn’t rocket science and that it really proved that how badly our society has become in ignoring what their body needs. Most of all I feel truly blessed that I stumbled across it as it has given the tools to live a healthy life". Karen, 28yrs, Auckland
Practical techniques for identifying, managing and dissolving emotions and stress... with ease
On this 4 week teleclass series you will learn:
- How to dissolve negative emotions in seconds and minutes rather than weeks, months or years
- Easy strategies for reducing the stress response in the body, which automatically turns on the body's self-healing and relaxation response
- How to identify emotions that are hiding themselves away and unconsciously creating physical symptoms
- How to distinguish and feel the physical counterpart of emotional energy in the body
- Learn the emotional causation of illness and how seemingly inconsequential events can later manifest as pain and disease
"I am a Natural Health Practitioner and suffered from Glandular Fever in my teens and then again at 20 yrs old. Since then, I suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome whenever my body felt like I was doing to much. After my studies I knew my emotions had a lot to do with my condition constantly arising. It is now 8 weeks on and I am living without my illness on a daily basis and THANKS to Mickel Therapy I now have the tools to keep it that way". Susan B.
Hands-on, live interaction and guided, practical exercises
The focus of this teleclass series is very much 'hands-on' practical learning. This will be facilitated in two key ways:
- Through hands-on, guided exercises which Kim will lead all participants through as a group.
- Through live one-on-one coaching with callers during the classes.
During the seminars you will have the opportunity to work live, by phone, with Kim during the calls. Listening to other people's stories also helps us unravel our own situations.
"I'm going well, it's like magic getting my life back. Amazing not to have the daily issue of rests. I'm working on getting familiar with my new skills, so far so good. Thank you so much for your help and patience. I can't believe how differently I feel". Joan, age 45yrs
Tell us what you want to hear and learn
Once you register for the event, you will receive a questionnaire where you can request what YOU want to hear and learn about during the calls. Before the series starts, Kim will collate this information and cater the material as much as possible towards these questions.
"I have learnt to work out the difference between what I now call "emotional" tiredness and normal healthy tiredness. I have learnt I am capable of making my life happen as I want it now. And most importantly I have learnt to listen to the messages my body is sending me and act on them straight away. I am not getting many negative emotions come up anymore and when they do I talk it out nicely and find a solution. It is really interesting how sometimes the solution was not obvious but when I wrote the diary each night, I would see it straight away".
Julie, Southland, age 26 yrs
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