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Success Stories
Since 2006 I have worked with hundreds of clients, assisting them to overcome all sorts of issues including chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel, depression, insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, emotional trauma and more. Scroll down to read some of the testimonials I frequently receive... up until now most feedback has been written, I'm just starting to gather video testimonials.
In this video a client describes how he recovered fully from fibromyalgia when top doctors and specialists said he would at best only ever 'manage' his symptoms:
Clearing Physical Pain and Illness at its core
For me Mickel Therapy with Kim has been life changing
"It is an almost indescribable joy to feel like I'm regaining the life I used to have. I'm now walking briskly more than 2 kms every day. For most of this year, I’ve haven’t been able to walk 1 easy kilometre once a week without getting ill. Although I haven’t returned to full-time work yet, I spend almost as much time at my computer each day as I did when I was working. I'm working on three different writing projects. I'm learning Spanish and Danish. And I'm venturing out socially again – at least once a week – which is a huge change for me after spending most of this year in social isolation, and being very restricted in the amount of physical activity I could undertake. Most importantly, I now have a confidence that I never had before in dealing with my CFS symptoms in particular and my emotions in general. For me the MT with Kim has been life changing". Client feedback after 6 sessions Read the full longer testimonial here.
'You have given me my life back'
"I feel like I have just been handed the keys to life. You have unlocked the whole key to my life" Comment from a client one week after her first session, symptom-level reduced from 7 to nearly 0 (out of 10), after months off work and her doctors saying they didn't know how to help her.
Mind blowing!
"It amazed me how quickly Kim mapped the history of my physical injury to the emotional experience I was having when I sustained the injury six years ago. The pain I suffered was revealed to be related to feelings and beliefs I have held for many years. It was quite mind blowing (and almost humorous) to see the connection so clearly. It felt very freeing. I really appreciate the way Kim approached my physical suffering as a condensed energy/vibration/thought form. This enabled the injury to be shifted, space was created for healing to take place. I'd love another session!" Angela, age 32yrs, Auckland*
Stomach pains gone
This client had been experiencing irritable bowel and stomach cramps for months. This is her feedback after one of our sessions:"It is bizarre and really crazy to me that my stomach pains are totally gone since our talk the other day. I tested it by having a little extra coffee yesterday and today and it is just plain gone. I know that this is not surprising to you, but I am amazed. I am really excited and feeling pretty good". And a week later: "I have had a really great week. I am feeling really good. Since my stomach pains have gone, I am feeling amazing".Joni, USA
Overcoming Depression
I now understand depression is not a weakness
The following comment came after a six week program of Mickel Therapy:
"I understand now that depression is a de-pression of emotions not a weakness and an inability to cope. I am able to identify emotions and act accordingly so that I remain in a healthy balanced state, this understanding has been very powerful. The five step process of identifying emotion was the most useful for me, I had been so used to missing thing critial step of knowing how I felt - I had felt before that some emotions were bad such as anger and so I had disallowed anger from my life, this caused me to supress it to the point where I would feel a symptom rather than an emotion. Now I am able to see that there are no 'bad' emotions, they all serve a purpose. "HM, 29yrs, Christchurch, March 2011 *
A new person, a new life
The following client had been struggling with depression for 9 years. After 6 sessions this was his feedback:
"I’m a completely different person. I’m calmer, more centred, confident and have more energy. I’ve managed, with my wife, to start our own business. I’ve been tied up with lawyers and accountants etc which in itself is incredible as I wouldn’t have been able to do so a few months ago! Thank you!!!!" And his wife said: "You have made such a difference to his world, it's absolutely wonderful having the man I married back!" JC, Auckland, 2011
I'm able to stop anti-depressants
Client feedback after one session: "I have noticed already a subsidance in my symptoms and also noticed today that I didn't want to cover my symptoms but was happy when they were noticed as I was able to deal directly with them. I am especially happy that the diarhea that I was experiencing has seemed to stop. It also gave me the confidence to stop taking anti-depressants, which has had no change to my mood, and also made me very relieved to have found MT. It also helped to understand that MT is the most helpful course of therapy."Olivia, Southland, January 2011
Clearing Panic Attacks
No more panic attacks
The comments below were received after a follow-up email was sent out a year after completing a program of Mickel Therapy:"All of my physical symptoms have now gone. I no longer have heart palpitations, chest pain, or dizziness. I no longer eat emotionally, and my anxiety has reduced dramatically. I have been able to enjoy life a lot more without being held back by physical symptoms or panic attacks." JC, Wellington, 2011
Assertiveness Training
I cannot believe the big change!
"I just want to let you know, I had my meeting with the sales person today that was 'acting out' and it went amazing. I cannot even believe that I have absolutely no anger at all. He vented and was very upset. He had a lot of pent up anger and bitterness. I let him vent and get it all out and I never felt angry or intimidated. We cleared up all the misperceptions and miscommunications and he was very happy and appreciative. This is really going to be such a big breakthrough for our company. OH and for ME too. I cannot believe the big change in my emotional response to the situation today compared to before I talked to you. WOW!! Thank you so much for your help and support. JM, USA
I'm not taking on other people's stuff
"The sessions I had were most helpful in enabling me to discern when behaviour of others towards me was innappropriate and damaging for me, and giving me the tools to address that behaviour as well as relieve myself from feeling somehow responsible for their behaviour. I am now very aware that I am only responsible for my own behaviour and that I have the primary responsibility for taking care of and protecting myself from emotional abuse. Thank you for your assistance on my journey towards wholeness. My wellbeing is improving". Elaine, age 65yrs, Auckland
I'm able to open up, trust and put me first
"I have learned to spend time with people who are good for me, and to keep away from the people who create stress and drama in my life un-necesarily, and I was able to let go of the sense of responsibility I felt towards people in my family. I am very grateful for the sessions I had with you, and how hard you were on me sometimes. It was exactly what I needed! It's amazing to me how far I have come in the last couple of years. I'm a completely different person now." JC, Wellington
The Freedom to be You
"I love healing sessions that work beyond what you even imagine, especially as a long time healer, and as such I actually did not expect such a wonderful session! I had thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be great if one session with Kim totally cleared up my problem with morning congestion, throat clearing and hoarseness when nothing else has, why not?!" But something far more valuable happened than healing my symptomology, far more profound, if you can imagine that. I spoke out my longtime intention to no longer feel separation as a reality at any time. And I knew it was time once and for all to heal my sense feeling responsible for saving the world. Above all, I knew I had to start receiving more support. Well it happened, it worked! Now I am inundated with offers of support for everything I need! Not only that, they are the right people to help! And so the physical challenge didn’t even matter anymore, I knew it would take care of itself after that. This is why I highly recommend Kim's work - not to be missed if you want to really empower your life!" ElandraUntied from emotional constraints
"I can live with joy and spontaneity after being untied from old and often irrelevant emotional constraints. My hopes for the future have been restored because feeling better will allow me to live my dreams and values. I have become much more honest and authentic with myself and others. This has generated massive self-confidence. I have learned not to simply to judge and assume, but to first seek to understand and accept things before thinking of ways to help and improve myself and others". AM, Australia
Greater self-awareness and choice
"I'm mentally a lot more relaxed and emotionally less uptight. My awareness of how and what creates the stresses in my life and what I can do to eliminate or alleviate them has been very powerful. The 5 step process [really helps] because it really brings my awareness to the underlying causes of what stresses me; the balanced plan [helps] because it made me prioritse what really is and isn’t important and to say NO to those that aren’t." JN, Corporate Manager, 2011
Freedom to express myself
"I have been able to really open myself up, which has allowed me to build stronger relationships with the people around me. The techniques I found most useful was the writing down of current symptoms, and to put down on paper my emotions and why I feel that way. I still use it when my emotions get on top of me to sort out what the real issues are, and go through the process of allowing myself to feel, and also to speak up in difficult moments to express how I feel and what I need". JC, Wellington, 2011
You have helped to change my whole life
The comments below were received 6 months after a 6 week program for chronic fatigue: "I have wanted to write to you for a while now and say to you that I am 100% healthy and have not even had a cold since our last session!! Isn't that amazing. People ask me if I think I actually had chronic fatigue as they don't believe that I could have actually had it and recovered completely in such a short period!! Thank you so much, please know that you have helped to change my whole life". MH, New Zealand
I've learnt to say no without feeling guilty
"The most important thing is that I have learnt to say no. I tell people now if I can't do something and I don't even feel guilty. I feel so free now because I'm really free from that guilt of not helping someone and free from that worry of what they will think, and I don't get offended anymore either. Thanks for everything - I appreciate your help in my life". Amy, Cambridge, age 26 yr
Emotional Freedom
Now I see there are no bad emotions
"Now I have bounced back to my normal state of loving life and wanting to live life to the absolute maximum taking all the opportunities I can to live a different life. I am free of so many issues that had weighed me down to the point where I was unable to get out of bed. I am a new person, happier, healthier and able to communicate in a new way with people, I am free of feeling judged and pressured. Before MT I did things mainly for others, now I am doing things for myself and I don't feel guilty about it any more.
The five step process of identifying emotion was the most useful for me, I had been so used to missing thing critial step of knowing how I felt. I had felt before that some emotions were bad such as anger and so I had disallowed anger from my life, this caused me to supress it to the point where I would feel a symptom rather than an emotion. Now I am able to see that there is no 'bad' emotions, they all serve a purpose."MH, Environmentalist , 2011
Overcoming Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
95% decrease in CFS symptoms after 6 weeks
The comments below were received after a 6 week program of treatment:"Changes noticed since treatment: physical - decrease in muscle tension, nerve sensitivity in legs and teeth grinding. 95% reduction in CFS symptoms such as fatigue and brain fog. I can live with joy and spontaneity after being untied from old and often irrelevant emotional constraints. My hopes for the future have been restored because feeling better will allow me to live my dreams and values. I have become much more honest and authentic with myself and others. This has generated massive self-confidence. I have learned not to simply to judge and assume, but to first seek to understand and accept things before thinking of ways to help and improve myself and others". AM, Australia
From chronic fatigue to travelling Europe
The comments below were received after a follow-up email was sent out two years after completing a program of Mickel Therapy. Before treatment the teenage client was barely able to attend school. This is a report from her mother two years later: "M. is in the UK where she is working as a nanny for five children! Number 6 on the way. So I guess you could say she is doing really well. Her life has certainly taken a turn for the better, she would have so much to tell you. She has been travelling Germany, Prague and Egypt in between times and plans to finish with them mid May to carry on her travels and wend her way home, being back here in November to take up her University course". M.B. Auckland. 19 yrs, 2011
From exhaustion to winning New Zealand championship
The comments below were received after a follow-up email was sent out two years after completing a program of Mickel Therapy. Before treatment the client had completely stopped her sports regime and was at home unable to work. This is what she reported two years on: "Things are going great. I have been back riding motorcross for a while and I won the NZ women's title for that last year. I am also planning to go overseas to pursue racing over there. Thanks heaps for all your help". L.A. 25yrs, 2011
I feel normal and healthy again
The following comment came after a six week program of Mickel Therapy:"Thanks again Kim for all your help, I am feeling amazing and have not had any symptoms for ages, had a normal cold recently and it actually just feels normal and healthy! Whenever I do have anything like symptoms I just deal with them straight away but know that I am healthy and happy."HM, 29yrs, Christchurch, March 2011 *
I made a full recovery from chronic fatigue
"Not only did I make a full recovery from chronic fatigue, I also learnt how to use certain tools that allowed me to take deal positively with the stresses of life as they arose rather than carrying them around and getting upset". Kristin, 35yrs, Auckland, 2010
I'm getting my life back!
The following comment came after one session of Mickel Therapy:" My health has improved significantly. I feel like I’m getting my life back!". Linda, 30yrs, Auckland, October 2010 *
"Fatigue disappeared - emotional freedom instead "
The following comments are from a client who completed a 6 week program of treatment:"My physical fatigue symptoms completely disappeared early on. My anxiety has reduced immensely. Emotionally, I can now allow myself to feel a range of emotions (even without knowing a specific reason behind them). Apart from the obvious lack of fatigue symptoms giving me physical energy, I am able to talk more frankly and express my thoughts more rather than being afraid of what people think of me."Suzy, 30yrs, Auckland *
Dramatic changes after the first session
The following comment came after a six week program of Mickel Therapy:"Everything has changed for me since MT. Although I found out about MT only a few weeks after my diagnosis things were pretty bad for me and I was very sick both mentally and emotionally. Now I am back to full health, I have had no symptoms for weeks since the end of the course and even after the first season I notice dramatic changes in my health. Now if I do feel any stress, tiredness, emotion or unease I am able to use the techniques that I learnt to identify what is troubling me and deal with things. I understand now that depression is a depression of emotions not a weakness and an inability to cope. I am able to identify emotions and act accordingly so that I remain in a healthy balanced state, this understanding has been very powerful."HM, 29yrs, Christchurch, March 2011 *
It works!
"Yay Yay!! I feel so different!!"Sonya, 35yrs, Southland, July 2010 *
I have my life back - I feel amazing!
The following comments are from a client who completed a 6 week program of treatment:"Mickel Therapy has helped me understand my symptoms and given me the tools to listen to what my body really wants and to act on it. My problems (chronic fatigue) I came with have now gone. I can now live a normal life and do everything I want to do. I feel amazing! The tools I have learnt are life long tools and I’m committed to making them a part of my every day life. What I liked most about Mickel Therapy was how it all made such sense; that it wasn’t rocket science and that it really proved that how badly our society has become in ignoring what their body needs. Most of all I feel truly blessed that I stumbled across it as it has given the tools to live a healthy life". Karen, 28yrs, Auckland, Juy 2010 *
From wheel chair to jogging
The following client was experiencing fatigue, brain fog, headaches and muscle weakness before treatment. This is what she reported back after working with the Mickel Therapy techniques for 8 weeks:
Activities I could not do before treatment: Most activities. I was almost housebound. I was not working, and I spent most of the day on the couch watching TV or doing computer work. When I went out and knew I would have to walk more than 0.5 miles, I would use a wheelchair. I was not socializing outside my immediate family.
Activities I can do now: Almost all of my normal activities. After 8 weeks, I am back at work full-time, I am playing with my son and going out on the weekends (just like I used to!). I don't feel like there is any limit to the distance that I can walk, and I have even started jogging again. I am now going out with friends again. I went to a party last night for 4 hours and felt great! I am confident that in a few more weeks, I will be completely back to my regular routine. I know that I could not have come so far so quickly without Mickel Therapy. Julia, age 34 yrs, New York (USA) July 2010 *
Fatigue gone in 5 weeks
"I've had my first fatigue-free weekend in 6 months". Sheryl, age 28yrs, Auckland, June 2010 *
Well in 8 weeks
The following client was experiencing the following symptoms before treatment:
- Depleted adrenals, insufficient hormones, malnutrition and thyroid problems, as clinically diagnosed by her doctor
- Itchy ears, constant fatigue, anxiety attacks, hair falling out in handfuls
- Nausea, headaches, skin acne, coldsores, styes
- Broken sleep, nails brittle and weak and huge mood swings
- Poor concentration, poor memory
After 8 weeks all above symptoms showed sigificant improvement, some cleared completely, and this is what she had to say:"I am a Natural Health Practitioner and suffered from Glandular Fever in my teens and then again at 20 yrs old. Since then, I have suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome whenever my body felt like I was doing to much. After my studies I knew my emotions had a lot to do with my condition constantly arising. During my last pregnancy and for the 1st year of my baby's life I went into the worst stage. My Natural therapies and Counseling were helping me to not end up completely bed ridden but I was not getting better. To sum it up I was at Stage A - knew my condition, knew what was causing it but still couldn't get to Stage C - perfect health! Mickel Therapy was my Stage B - they know my condition, they know what is causing it and they give you a step by step way to re-LIVE your life in perfect health.It is now 8 weeks on and I am living without my illness on a daily basis and THANKS to Mickel Therapy I now have the tools to keep it that way. I believe in this Therapy so much that I am looking into becoming a practitioner". Susan B. May 2010.
It's like magic getting my life back
"I'm going well, it's like magic getting my life back. Amazing not to have the daily issue of rests. I'm working on getting familiar with my new skills, so far so good. Thank you so much for your help and patience. I can't believe how differently I feel". Joan, age 45yrs, Napier*
100% fanstastic health!
"I just wanted to let you know that I have had 100% fantastic health since our last chat. There have been some stressful weeks at work and I have had one or two big nights out, and I haven't crashed at all". Jennifer, age 26yrs, Northland*
Fibromyalgia Recovery
On the path to recovery
"I've been doing well since we ended the treatment and I see myself on the path to full recovery. Yet, I make sure not to get over-confident and still apply the tools you taught me regularly". John, age 20yrs, Fiji*
A Quantum Leap and A New Me
"I have made such a quantum leap...it was fairly bursting out of me! I am looking forward to and am enjoying the new me". Agnes, age 54yrs, Whangarei*
I'm doing well!
"Just so you know I am doing very well and moving forward with my life, thanks for your help". Tracey, North Island, age 24 yrs*
I so appreciate the support
"Thanks for your help. I really appreciate the support I get from you, and its really good to be able to get an outside opinion of someone who has been through something similar. Its been so great to be able to chat to you about stuff, and get a different view on things. Being able to open my mind to the bigger picture really helps to put things in perspective, and calms me down quite a bit". Laura, age 28yrs, Wellington*
I have learnt so much!
"I have learnt to work out the difference between what I now call "emotional" tiredness and normal healthy tiredness. I have learnt I am capable of making my life happen as I want it now. And most importantly I have learnt to listen to the messages my body is sending me and act on them straight away. I am not getting many negative emotions come up anymore and when they do I talk it out nicely and find a solution. It is really interesting how sometimes the solution was not obvious but when I wrote the diary each night, I would see it straight away". Julie, Southland, age 26 yrs*
I'm sleeping better!
"I’ve had very few symptoms and I’m sleeping so much better – feel great!"Joan, age 45yrs, Hastings*
Thanks for the wonderful tools
"Thanks Kim - really appreciate your time and all the wonderful tools you have given me – now its up to mel"Sandra, Auckland, September 2010 *
Everything has changed
Client feedback a 6 week program: "Everything has changed for me since MT. Although I found out about MT only a few weeks after my diagnosis things were pretty bad for me and I was very sick both mentally and emotionally. Now I am back to full health, I have had no sypmtoms for weeks since the end of the course and even after the first season I notice dramatic changes in my health. Now if I do feel any stress, tiredness, emotion or unease I am able to use the techniques that I learnt to identify what is troubling me and deal with things. I understand now that depression is a depression of emotions not a weakness and an inability to cope. I am able to identify emotions and act accordingly so that I remain in a healthy balanced state, this understanding has been very powerful.
Sometimes I can't even remember how bad things were and I have to remind myself that only three months ago I was so unwell I struggled to put words together into a sentance, could hardly get out of bed, was misserably depressed and could not understand what was wrong with me, I couldn't face people and what I felt to be their judgements of me, slowly I gave up wanting to live and I had panic attacks regularly. These are things that I would never have beleived would happen to me as I am and always have been a very intellegent active and happy person, doing things that others would not ever dream of doing.
Without MT I would dread to think what would have happened to me. Now I have bounced back to my normal state of loving life and wanting to live life to the absolute maximum taking all the opportunities I can to live a different life. I was only sick for a month, and cannot imagine what it must be like for those I have met who have been sick for 16 years, they have given up hope now of finding a cure as they have tried everything and cannot afford to try another different therepy. The worst part about it is that they believe that there is no cure, that there can be no cure, because they have tried everything and have learnt to change their diet and lifestyle and just live with this disabling disease. Surely it is a miracle, and I am so very grateful now to my sickness to have had an ability to work through long lasting issues and have this new freedom to live a happier life than I was living before. This is such a simple technique it should be taught in school so that we all have the chance to learn and listen to our body. I am a new person, happier, healthier and able to communicate in a new way with people, I am free of feeling judged and pressured. Before MT I did things mainly for others, now I am doing things for myself and I don't feel guilty about it any more. "MH, Christchurch, 2011*
I've found it really beneficial
"Thanks for all of this and for all your help - I've found it really beneficial"Juno, Auckland, September 2010 *
Mickel Therapy Success Stories
Letter to ME Society about remarkable recovery
This letter was written by a client who worked with Kim for 4 weeks in 2009: "Here is a letter to publish in your newsletter if you can - I just wanted to share my "liberation" from CFS with my peers in Wellington. My name is Xavier, and I had suffered from "intense" CFS for a year and a half before a few sessions of Mickel therapy radically changed the course of the illness. I hesitate to say "cure" but for me it was as close as you could get - the therapist taught me, in a few sessions, how to proactively work my way out of the "hole" that is CFS through a few simple but significant changes in my response to symptoms. If the whole thing sounds a bit gobbledygooky to you, here is my hard-headed run-down on it.: The therapy offered is conversational in the form of roughly one hour sessions, face to face, or in my case, on the phone (only because the therapist was in Auckland!!). It is based on the premise that CFS is an illness caused by an overworking of your hypothalamus gland in the brain (that controls nervous, hormonal signals and hence things like body temperature, fatigue etc), until the point that the gland goes into chronic overdrive - much as it would to combat infection (and yet there is no infection). There is much more to this but basically the idea is that it is indeed a physical illness, not treatable by psychological or psychosocial means. This was for me a satisfactory causal explanation to an otherwise unexplained disease, although I'm still sceptical about some of the more peripheral discourse involved (which is at best hypothetical, as a result of the lack of scientific knowledge in this area). And so the therapy teaches the CFS sufferer new ways of responding to everyday symptoms, which helps him/her to gradually - in my case over the course of a month - diminish and then eliminate symptoms altogether. Ultimately I can recommend this to any CFS sufferer on the basis that it worked, and quite dramatically so, for me. It is a new therapy and the research behind it - to explain why the hell it works so well! - is in its infancy (they are waiting for someone to commission large scale research). But it works. Hence why I'm writing to this magazine today, to share my experiences so that others, whose situation I was in not so long ago, might give it a shot. It could free you from CFS". Xavier, Wellington
Thanks to Mickel Therapy
"Mickel Therapy has been huge. You are a very astute therapist and I was fortunate to have contacted you". Ethel, Whangarei, age 72 yrs*
A New Person
"Thank-you soo much for all your help! My parents have noticed a new girl!" Mindy, Southland, age 16 yrs*
Thanks for new knowledge and skills
"All is strengthening and improving as I put into practice my new knowledge and skills thanks to you and Mickel Therapy. Sleep seems deeper and less broken... thank you for your guidance and support over the last weeks/months". Janine, Hastings, age 45 yrs*
No more brain fog!
"I have loads more energy than before and best of all no brain fog". Harry, Auckland, age 40 yrs*
I have a new life
"Mickel Therapy has helped me to understand the underlying causes of my symptoms. It has helped me to understand that the symptoms are messages from the body which must be attended to. Mickel Therapy taught me how to listen to the symptoms of my body and how to find out what my body wants me to do (and not to do). Overall, Mickel Therapy has given me the tools necessary to heal myself and to enjoy well-being for the rest of my life". John, age 20yrs, Fiji*
Onwards with life!
"I had M.E/ CFS for 6 years beginning in 2001 probably caused by being in a stressful job that I was not enjoying and several stressful events in my life all at once which I did not deal with well. I tried the naturopathic route and this gave some relief but not a full recovery. My dad emailed me about Mickel Therapy as he had seen some literature on it in the UK. I then found out that Dr Mickel was coming to NZ to train some therapists and I arranged to meet him.
The process was explained to me and it seemed so simple - I went away and practised using my message and later the keys. It was amazing to see that actually symptoms were related to e-motions and not just linked to what you ate and so on as I had been led to believe before with naturopaths and so on.
I continued to get better and just before Xmas 2006 I realised I no longer needed my sessions with Kim as I no longer had any M.E symptoms!! I am now about to get married and move back to the UK and am looking forward to it rather than dreading it as it would have been too much for me a year ago!! I am so glad that my dad sent me the literature about Mickel Therapy!" Sandra, Natural Therapist, Auckland, age 32 yrs*
Workshop and Seminar feedback
Feeling safe and connected
"By the end of this wonderful workshop, I was breathing fully, deeply and unencumbered, with a strong sense of being earthed and connected to all. Kim held a safe, nurturing space and has the ability to clearly describe the more subtle aspects of life energy". PM, Melbourne, Australia
Skilful presenter
"I have learnt much more about how my body feels from the inside, and also increased my loving connection with individual organs. It helped me to be kinder to my body. Kim is a skillful and passionate presenter, with an excellent professional approach. Thanks! " AA, Shiatsu Practitioner
Teaching from experience
Kim has a passionate and dedicated approach to self-healing through personal experience ". JH, Naturopath
Practical tools
"Very interesting and immediately useful ". TH, Massage Therapist
Positively inspired
I had a great awakening on the first evening. I feel very inspired and positive. I felt my connection to the planet for the first time! Thanks! BH, New Zealand
Presenter feedback
"You provided a wonderful wealth of information"
Guest speaker on teleseminar series 'Inner Mean Girl' 2010: "You were FANTASTIC and you provided a wonderful wealth of information and perspectives for our members". Christine Arylo, Director, October 2010
"You certainly gave us food for thought"
Hi Kim, 'Thanks so much for being a fantastic opening speaker, you certainly gave us food for thought and gave a good learning tool, for those who attended, to walk away with and use'. Sally Connell, Her Business Networks, July 2010
"Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive"
Dear Kim, 'On behalf of the Council and members of the New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists, I should like to thank you for your qi gong presentation at our conference in Wellington last weekend. A number of members commented how good it was to have such an exercise included in the programme. Feedback we have received from those who attended the conference has been overwhelmingly positive and the weekend was a great success. Thank you again for taking the time out from your busy schedule to join u's. Paddy McBride, President – New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists, June 2010
"A skilful and passionate presenter"
'Kim is a skillful and passionate presenter, with an excellent professional approach. Thanks!' AA, Shiatsu Practitioner
"A passionate approach through personal experience"
'Kim has a passionate and dedicated approach to self-healing through personal experience' JH, Naturopath
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Tip: I post most frequently on Facebook and Youtube, and send a monthy enewsletter.
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