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Universal Healing Tao NZ 5 Week Telesummit Sept-Oct 2011

Universal Healing Tao Telesummit
Universal Healing Tao NZ Teleseminar Series
Dates to be advised
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The healing practices of the Universal Tao of Mantak Chia
Introductory Teleseminar Series
Remember! A teleseminar can be listened to during or after the event. If you cannot attend the live call, no worries. Just register and you will receive the recording of the event to download as an MP3.
For anyone not yet familiar with teleseminars, these are seminars conducted over the phone and web. You can listen in live via your computer or dial in by phone. Whether you attend live or not, calls are downloadable after the event as MP3s to listen to at your leisure.
Teleseminar how to connect and connection costs
Listen to the free 90 minute introduction here!
Overview of Teleseminar Series
Each week we will focus on one of the core foundation practices of the Universal Healing Tao. We will be covering:
- The Inner Smile Meditation
- The Six Healing Sounds Meditation
- The Microcosmic Orbit Meditation
- Introduction to Healing Love
- Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage
Free Introductory Seminar
In the FREE introductory teleseminar Universal Healing Tao Instructor Kim Knight will be joined by senior Universal Healing Tao instructor Gabrielle Euteneuer. Together they will introduce the core foundation practices of the Universal Healing Tao, ancient Chinese practices for health and longevity.
Gabrielle has been a Universal Healing Tao Instructor for over 25 years. Her youthful looks are testament to the anti-ageing effects and health benefits of the practices! Gabrielle is the only senior instructor in New Zealand, including being a Chi Nei Tsang practitioner, Tai Chi teacher and instructor of instructors.
Kim has been studying the Qi Gong practices of the Universal Healing Tao since 2000, and is a fully certified instructor and Chi Nei Tsang practitioner. She attributes Qi Gong as one of the key elements to healing herself from chronic fatigue. In particular she is passionate about Chi Nei Tsang.
Overview of 5 Week Telesummit Series:
Week 1: The Inner Smile
During this 90 minute teleseminar we will:
- Introduce the theory and practice of the Inner Smile meditation
- Give you a hands-on experience of the Inner Smile meditation
- Answers any questions you might like to ask during our live Q&A section during the seminar
The Inner Smile is a powerful relaxation technique that utilizes the 'expanding' energy of happiness, love and joy as a language with which to communicate with the internal organs of the body.
By learning to smile inwardly to the organs and glands, the whole body feels loved and appreciated. Since we are actually everywhere in our body, we will as a person feel totally loved and appreciated. At the end of the day, isn't this what most human beings are after?
Turn on your body's relaxation (healing) response. The Inner Smile helps to:
Increasing Qi by cultivating feelings of inner Joy
Transform negative emotions into positive virtues
Cleanse and heal your internal organs
Calm the mind and stop the chatterbox
Stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms
Understand how negative emotions create illness
Remember - once you register for the 5 week series, you will be able to keep the entire teleseminar series to listen to again and again.
Week 2: Six Healing Sounds
During this 90 minute teleseminar we will:
- Introduce the theory and practice of the Six Healing Sounds
- Give you a hands-on experience of the Six Healing Sounds
- Answers any questions you might like to ask during our live Q&A section during the seminar
A basic relaxation and self-healing technique, the Healing Sounds meditation utilizes skills developed in the Inner Smile Meditation. Simple arm movements and special sounds are used to produce a cooling, balancing effect on the internal organs and the emotional energy that is stored there. Each organ correlates with a different sound, which when used vibrates that particullar organ and its associated tissues, moving stagnant energy out and producing a healing effect. The arm movements, combined with posture, assist to guide heat and pressure out of the body.
Each organ system in the body stores both negative and positive emotions. For example, the liver (with its associated organ the gallbladder, and associated nerve tissue) stores anger and resentment. It also innately holds the positive qualities of kindness and generosity. Unfortunately, if our organs are too full of the 'negative' emotion or vibration of anger and resentment, we will not be able to experiene our innate kindness and generosity. The Healing Tao teaches that we do not have to look outside for these qualities, they are already within us, albeit hidden.
Clear toxins and emotions from your organs. The Six Healing Sounds helps to:
- Clear your organs of negative emotions and toxic energy using healing colour and sound
- Release stagnant energy and excess heat from the body
- Calm the monkey mind and find inner peace
- Understand how the five elemental forces of nature are at work inside your body
Remember - once you register for the 5 week series, you will be able to keep the entire teleseminar series to listen to again and again.
Week3: The Microcosmic Orbit
During this 90 minute teleseminar we will:
- Introduce the theory and practice of the Microcosmic Orbit
- Give you a hands-on experience of the Microcosmic Orbit
- Answers any questions you might like to ask during our live Q&A section during the seminar
Through unique relaxation and concentration techniques, one circulates, directs and preserves Qi through two major energy pathways in the body. These are major acupuncture meridiens which were the first two meridiens created in utero. Their free flow is therefore vital for our health.
The Functional Channel runs down the chest, and the Governor Channel ascends the middle of the back. When running the Microcosmic Orbit, one starts at the perineum, moves up the spine to the head and then moves down the front of the body in a continuous loop.
An open Microcosmic Orbit enables you to circulate Qi (life force) through your body and also to expand outward to connect with the forces of Nature, the six directions and the Earth power. During this practice one also learns to activate the three internal fires and open the three Tan Tiens
Clear your major meridien pathways. The Microcosmic Orbit helps to:
- Clear your major meridien (internal energy pathways) of blocked or stagnant Qi
Get in touch with your life-force energy and circulate Qi in your body for healing
Feel your connection with your inner and outer universes
Connect to and feel your seven major energy centres
Remember - once you register for the 5 week series, you will be able to keep the entire teleseminar series to listen to again and again.
Week 4: Chi Nei Tsang
During this 90 minute teleseminar we will:
- Introduce the theory and practice of Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage
- Guide you through an experience of self-care Chi Nei Tsang
- Answers any questions you might like to ask during our live Q&A section during the seminar
Chi Nei Tsang is the internal organs Qi Gong body technique of the Universal Healing Tao. By massaging your abdomen and abdominal organs you can clear negative emotions and physical toxins from the body. It is a very powerful self-healing technique.
Remember - once you register for the 5 week series, you will be able to keep the entire teleseminar series to listen to again and again.
Week5: Healing Love
During this 90 minute teleseminar we will:
- Introduce the theory of Healing Love Qi Gong
- Lead you through an introductory healing love meditation
- Answers any questions you might like to ask during our live Q&A section during the seminar
Sexual energy is essential for the ones health and happiness. In Taoism and Yoga traditions, it has been an essential practice to be able to empower this primal energy and understand how we can use it for physical, conscious and spiritual development.
During this teleseminar Gabrielle will lead an introductory healing love exercise called the Heart Lotus meditation.
For women these practices balance the hormonal system and assist hormone-related issues such as PMS, menopause and osteoporosis.
For men, you will learn how to save your sexual energy, balance your emotions and connect sexuality with the heart.
The methods taught can be practiced in daily life and are very beneficial for the health, clarity and empowerment of life in general. You do not need to have a partner. Anyone can join this fun workshop. Please note these practices are solo and clothes-on!
Remember - once you register for the 5 week series, you will be able to keep the entire teleseminar series to listen to again and again.
Who will benefit from these classes?
Whether you are a complete novice or a senior student, there is always something we can learn to enhance our practice.
The Universal Tao - how it all began
How did the Universal Healing Tao school of Qi Gong begin? This video explains how.
For more information on the Universal Healing Tao see:
For more information on Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Healing see:
What is a Teleseminar?
For anyone not yet familiar with teleseminars and webinars, these are seminars conducted over the phone and web. A teleseminar or webinar takes internet technology and opens up learning to the world. .
Teleseminar how to connect and connection costs
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