Becoming the master of your wellbeing is THE ART OF HEALTH
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Specialist Treatments

Groundbreaking Services
The Art of Health offers cutting edge information and strategies for understanding the workings of the human mind and body. Consultations, Seminars, Online Teleseminars, Free Advice and Inspiration helping you to reunite body, mind and spirit...

Mickel Therapy
Mickel Therapy is a specialist talking therapy designed to identify the cause of chronic conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, fibromyalgia, stress and depression. Plus it gives you the tools to heal...

Qi Gong and Meditation
Qi Gong and meditation calm the mind, relax the body, increase flexibility, improve focus, prevent and heal illness. The gentle exercises are simple, effective and easy to learn...

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021 410 633 / 09 833 6553
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Qi Gong makes it to the mainsteam
in Womans Day Magazine
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Personal Wellness Consultations and Health Programs
"To "heal" means to make whole,
in contrast to "treating" which is limited
and short-sighted.
To truly heal is to "make whole"
on all levels”.
David Hawkins MD PhD
Please scroll down to see our range of services, pricing and details of how we work
Chronic illness recovery without medication or supplements
The Art of Health specializes in helping people recover from debilitating chronic conditions such as chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, irritable bowel, insomnia, anxiety, stress and depression. The main approaches used are:
- Mickel Therapy, a ground-breaking talking therapy for identifying the true cause of symptoms and then giving you the tools and strategies to coach yourself back to health
- Positive transformation sessions to clear emotional traumas without having to get emotional
- Positive transformation sessions to clear limiting beliefs which are unconsciously driving disempowering lifestyle choices which lead to exhaustion and illness
- Qi Gong techniques for clearing the body of sick energy and bringing the body-mind back into its natural state of harmony
- Taoist healing meditation techniques to clear the internal organs of toxic energy and negative emotional energy which are clogging the cells and organs
For more details of the different health coaching programs see:
Menu of health recovery programs
For more details of the positive transformation sessions see:
Menu of Positive Transformation sessions
Emotional intelligence and emotional mastery
A number of emotional mastery techniques including:
- Simple and effective tools for identifying and dissolving negative emotions / old emotional traumas... without having to get emotional
- Tools for learning how to feel emotions without being afraid of them, so that the energetic imprint can dissolve from your body
- Strategies for communicating emotions in a healthy way without blaming or dumping on others
- Strategies for communicating your feelings honestly and speaking assertively so that your needs are taken care of
- Strategies for creating clear boundaries with others so that you re-empower yourself to put yourself first and look after your wellbeing
- Taoist healing meditation techniques specifically designed to clear negative emotions from the organs, paving the way for improved health and mental wellbeing
For more details of the different health coaching programs see:
Menu of health recovery programs
For more details of the positive transformation sessions see:
Menu of Positive Transformation sessions
Stress and anxiety reduction
A number of techniques for eliminating stress including:
- Learning how to identify stress and stress triggers, both internal and external
- Understanding the detrimental impact of stress on the body and why it is imperative to train the body back into a relaxation response
- Learning how to prevent the stress response from being switched on all the time
For more details of the different health coaching programs see:
Menu of health recovery programs
For more details of the positive transformation sessions see:
Menu of Positive Transformation sessions
Taoist Meditation and Qi Gong
A number of Chinese exercises for taking care of the mind and body including:
- Qi Gong techniques for clearing the body of sick energy and bringing the body-mind back into its natural state of harmony
- Qi Gong techniques for bringing the body into the relaxation response which induces calmness and stimulates the natural healing response
- Taoist healing meditation techniques to clear the internal organs of toxic energy and negative emotional energy which are clogging the cells and organs
For fuller details of all Qi Gong and Meditation techniques see