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Mickel Therapy is a specialist talking therapy designed to identify the cause of chronic conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, fibromyalgia, stress and depression. Plus it gives you the tools to heal...

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Qi Gong and meditation calm the mind, relax the body, increase flexibility, improve focus, prevent and heal illness. The gentle exercises are simple, effective and easy to learn...

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Qi Gong makes it to the mainsteam
in Womans Day Magazine
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"To see ones predicament clearly is the first step toward going beyond it."
Eckhart Tolle
Enlightened Teacher
Powerpoints Presentations
A number of powerpoint presentations delivered at seminars and conferences.
HPM Congress August 2010
This presentation was delivered at the first Health and Productivity Management conference in Auckland, New Zealand August 2010.
It outlines how stress is an abnormal state for the body to live and function in and how maintaining a state of stress will eventually build up to become illness. In other words, the state of dis-ease leads to disease.
Understanding Stress Slide Presentation
Fibromyalgia Presentation
This presentation was delivered to the Rheumatology department at Greenland Hospital in June 2010. It aids in understanding the underlying cause of the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.
Understanding Fibromyalgia Slide Presentation
Her Business Network July 2010
This presentation was delivered to the Auckland Her Business network in July 2010. Do you know that your NATURAL state is being calm and relaxed? Do you know that every time you go into the stress response you take minutes, maybe even years off your life? Stress is the silent killer - de-stress yourself now...before it's too late.
The Truth about Stress Slide Presentation
Hindu Conference 2010
This presentation was delivered at the 3rd National Hindu Conference of New Zealand in May 2010. The theme of the conference was 'Strenghening bonds amongst communities'.
The Taoist philosophy is that when we work on ourselves we affect everything around us.
Work on yourself and contribute to your community Slide Presentation
Acupuncture Conference 2010
This presentation was delivered to the 2010 Acupuncture Association Conference in Wellington.
The goal was to demonstrate how Shen (the mind) is the master of Qi (the body and energy).
Qi Gong is a form of training and practice to enable the practitioner to take an active role in directing the consciousness inward and use it positively in order to transform, enhance and perfect human life.
"The purpose of Qi Gong practice is to bring life closer to the law of human life. When you follow the law of life, you can be healthy. The more deeply you follow the law, the healthier you get. We can look at all human problems as being the result of going against the law, and hence to deal with problems we have to go back and begin to follow the law.” Yuan Tze, Qi Gong Master
Qi Gong Slide Presentation