Becoming the master of your wellbeing is THE ART OF HEALTH
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The Art of Health offers cutting edge information and strategies for understanding the workings of the human mind and body. Consultations, Seminars, Online Teleseminars, Free Advice and Inspiration helping you to reunite body, mind and spirit...

Mickel Therapy
Mickel Therapy is a specialist talking therapy designed to identify the cause of chronic conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, fibromyalgia, stress and depression. Plus it gives you the tools to heal...

Qi Gong and Meditation
Qi Gong and meditation calm the mind, relax the body, increase flexibility, improve focus, prevent and heal illness. The gentle exercises are simple, effective and easy to learn...

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Qi Gong makes it to the mainsteam
in Womans Day Magazine
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Humorous videos to uplift the spirits

"To see ones predicament clearly is the first step toward going beyond it."
Eckhart Tolle
Enlightened Teacher
To brighten your day...
A hilarious take on how controlling our thoughts will make us feel better.
A very clever sketch with Ronnie Corbett bringing the best comedy of the 70s and 80s right into the 21st Century.
Simon's cat - wake up call
A hungry cat resorts to increasingly desperate measures to wake its sleeping owner. I can relate to this one!
Humour - Puppetji on meditation
A humorous look at whether it's better to meditate on a mountain or in the city!!
The Chaser's War on Everything - The Secret
The real 'Secret' - a spoof on the best-selling 'Secret' book
Simon's cat - TV Dinner
A hungry cat resorts to increasingly desperate measures to gain its owner's attention.
"Life's For Sharing"
This will put a smile on your face!
Cancer Council Victoria Tobacco Plain Packaging Commercial
John Clarke appears in a TV commercial from Cancer Council Victoria. He plays a Big Tobacco executive who shows his true colours after claiming to care about the health of Australians.
A hilarious take on social media - is your life off or online?!
Ever thought how odd your online life is? Ever thought what could go wrong? This film was made to explore the issues around ENO's production of Nico Muhly's new opera 'Two Boys', a new opera that lifts the lid on the dangers of living our lives online.
Puppetji's daily meditation for over 40's
Puppetji's version of the Inner Smile!