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The Ancient Templates of Wisdom - free online teleseminar

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The Ancient Templates of Wisdom

Our Divine Birthright - returned to us now to benefit mankind

With Elizabeth McCullough and host Kim Knight

12 noon Friday Thursday 1 December 2011 (NZ)

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Elizabeth McCollough The Ancient Templates of Wisdom

Elizabeth McCullough

Kim Knight

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  • What are the Ancient Templates of Wisdom? 
  • How do you receive them? 
  • How can they benefit you and assist you in your evolution?


All these questions and more will be answered on this live teleseminar call.

What are the 90 Ancient Templates of Wisdom?

According to modern-day mystic Lucia Rene, (author of 'Unplugging the Patriarchy' and the person responsible for bringing these ancient templates back to the attention of the world):


"There is an ancient databank of higher wisdom on Planet Earth. It was stored here a very long time ago when life on this planet was just beginning. As incarnate human beings, the Ancient Templates of Wisdom in this databank are our divine birthright. But, up until now, we have been denied them. As this massive experiment in consciousness on Earth has unfolded, those who wanted control over the planet took control of these templates, limited access to them, and used them for their own ends.

'An ancient treasure trove of giant, snowflake-like configurations,
each vibrating with a different energy'

Lucia first encountered the Ancient Templates in Peru in 2005—an ancient treasure trove of giant snowflake-like configurations each vibrating with a different energy—deep in the heart of the tropical mountain forest that cradles Machu Picchu. She was told to move them to the Cauldera above Los Alamos, New Mexico.


In April 2011, Lucia traveled to the Cauldera and was gifted with 90 templates which were to be used for humanity's ascension process. 86 of these large templates made tiny replicas that flew inside of her subtle physical body in quick succession. There were 3 larger onesaligned with the heart chakra, the upper wisdom chakras, and the lower power chakrasthat moved inside as well. And the master templatethe mothership of them all, the template of the grand overall design for life on earthcloned itself by emitting a tiny lightning bolt spark that entered her heart chakra.  

'The 90 templates are to be used for humanity's ascension process'

Lucia began meditating on this Divine Spark of Existence every day.  Gradually, it morphed into light and, each day, the light expanded a little more. After 2 weeks, the light had expanded into the full blown master template and the other smaller templates had found their proper resting place within the master template. By the end of 3 weeks, the entire configuration had fully integrated.


As she began transmitting the Ancient Templates to others, Lucia noticed that the final configuration for each individual was unique.  The end result depended on the person's soul, their level of evolution, their dhama, and what they need at this time in order to ascend.


When the templates had fully integrated, she also noticed that they could be summoned up individually in order to provide help with the ascension process." 


Elizabeth McCullough was the first person to recieve the Templates from Lucia Rene', her teacher. She is adept and skilled at their useage and specific meanings. She has been led by her dharma to teach about the Templates and how to use them.

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Listen to Lucia Rene's teleseminar on the Templates:

If you are interested, you can listen to Lucia Rene's free teleseminar on how she came to receive these Ancient Templates of Wisdom. Lucia is no longer transmitting the first 90 templates, as she has now passed this on to others such as Elizabeth, but the call describes in depth how she came to be given these templates. It is a fascinating story which will have you sitting on the edge of your chair! Listen here:


The Ancient Templates of Wisdom


During the teleseminar Elizabeth will share:

  • What are the Ancient Templates of Wisdom? 
  • How do you receive them? 
  • What will they 'do' for you and how can they benefit you?
  • What do you do with them once you have received them?
  • How do you call them up inside you and how do they feel? 
  • The Quantum aspects of the Templates

Live Transmission and guided meditation

During the teleseminar, Elizabeth will transmit two of the 90 Ancient Templates:


Healing and Youthfulness


She will transmit these two templates and do a mini session on how they feel in the body, as well as how they are used.

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About Elizabeth

Elizabeth McCollough The Ancient Templates of Wisdom


Elizabeth is an intuitive, clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient perceiver.


After receiving the Ancient Templates of Wisdom from her teacher, author and modern-day mystic Lucia Rene, ( she discovered her dharmic purpose in this lifetime: teaching about the Templates, their uses, and helping disseminate them throughout the collective.


The reason for this is to help the peoples of Earth move through this difficult splitting of the dimensional worlds, which is creating fear, pain, resistance and other symptoms for many people.


The Templates can be used in Healing, especially for Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Pain. They also have a multitude of other creative and meaningful uses. 

Contact Elizabeth at

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