Becoming the master of your wellbeing is THE ART OF HEALTH
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The Art of Health offers cutting edge information and strategies for understanding the workings of the human mind and body. Consultations, Seminars, Online Teleseminars, Free Advice and Inspiration helping you to reunite body, mind and spirit...

Mickel Therapy
Mickel Therapy is a specialist talking therapy designed to identify the cause of chronic conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, fibromyalgia, stress and depression. Plus it gives you the tools to heal...

Qi Gong and Meditation
Qi Gong and meditation calm the mind, relax the body, increase flexibility, improve focus, prevent and heal illness. The gentle exercises are simple, effective and easy to learn...

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Become the master of your emotional life

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."
Please scroll down to see details of the emotional health mastery programs
What are emotions?
Emotions may be many things, and one core role of emotions is as a communication tool from our body intelligence to our head. Essentially, if things are right for us, we will feel good, and if they are not, we will feel not-so-good.
Whilst we humans tend to label emotions as 'good' or 'bad' they are in fact a neutral phenomenon. The 'good' or 'bad' feeling is both a judgement from our mind and a handy hint to help us to discern between whether what we are doing is right for us or not. If there was no differentiation between 'good' and 'bad' feelings, how would we be able to tell the difference?
So there is nothing wrong with having emotions, but what IS wrong is not taking notice of them, dealing with them or understanding what they are trying to tell us. Mismanagement of emotions, which are a form of energy in our body, is one of the core reasons for chronic illness. Negative emotions are a state of dis-ease which will lead to disease if left unresolved. At the Art of Health we are experts in training people to listen to, interpret, resolve and manage emotions.
Emotional Mastery Program
We offer a number of different length programs, ranging from 6 weeks (6 sessions) to 6 months (15 sessions). Each person will progress at the pace that is perfect for them, and one can always start with a shorter program and extend if necessary.
Kim works with clients at the clinic, by phone or at your place of work (for corporate wellness programs). Phone sessions are equally effective and Kim has worked successfully with clients from around the world - distance is no object to healing!
Core principles of health
There are certain core health principles health which form the foundation of the Art of Health programs including:
- Our body's natural state is health and happiness, and illness is the absence of our natural state
- Symptoms are the body's way of communicating it is not happy about something either going on in our life right now or lying unresolved from the past
- Our body is designed to self-heal if we look after ourselves properly, and understand and live in accordance with the 'laws of life' and 'laws of health'
- Good health will result if we understand these laws and learn to take care of our own health
About the programs
During the program we will cover a certain number of modules and topics. The longer the program, the more topics and more chance you will have to practice the techniques you will be given.
The first session
The first session is very important and will last between 60 and 90 minutes. During the session we take a detailed case history so that we can ascertain what is causing your symptoms.
We will then design a program specificially for your unique requirements which could include:
- Mickel Therapy Counselling
- Qi Gong
- Meditation
- Energy healing
- Plus a range of tried and tested emotional mastery exercises
By the end of your program, you will have a much greater understanding of what emotions are and how to effectively deal with them.
Art of Health program pricing
Follow on sessions
Once we have outlined a plan of treatment sessions will continue either weekly or bi-weekly depending on the length of program you have chosen. During the program we will cover:
- Various key health topics pertaining to your situation so that you understand the cause of your condition or situation
- A number of selfcare exercises to heal your symptoms which you will have to take away and use for life
- Your current life situation and circumstances, addressing any issues in any relevant area of your life including work, rest, relationships, hobbies, partner and more
See below for an idea of what you will learn:
Emotional Mastery Program Topics
Depending on the length of the program you choose, we will cover some or all of the following topics:
- why and how emotions are created in your body, their important purpose and positive role in keeping you healthy
- where exactly in your body positive and negative emotions are stored, and how to clear the negative emotions and increase the positive feelings
- how to feel emotions without feeling afraid of them
- how emotions are chemical reactions inside the body's cells which impact physiological functioning of the body
- how emotions are actually your ally becuase they have an important message to convey
- how emotions are necessary and intelligent communication to tell us to take corrective action
- how to interpret the message behind your emotions so that you know how to keep your emotional equilibrium
- the role of emotions in illness: how unresolved dis-ease is and becomes a state of disease
- what the body intelligence is and its role and purpose in keeping you well
- how to train and work with your body intelligence to stay healthy
- the role of stress in dis-ease and how to identify, reduce and eliminate stress
- the connection between emotions and stress
- the difference between stress and relaxation and the different effects on both the body's health
- how stress and work-life imbalance is the fertile ground for dis-ease
- how to identify the deeper meaning and significance of negative thinking habits
- the correlation of negative thoughts, negative emotions and health
- how to change and eliminate negative thinking from its core so that you feel more positive and happy
- the importance of life-affirming rather than life-depleting habits in the role of health
- how depression is really de-pressing emotions and how to prevent depression
- how to resolve unfinished business which may be contributing to negative emotions
- how resisting emotions keeps us in pain and how to feel emotions safely
- how to get the support you need without feeling guilty
- the importance of work-life balance in staying healthy
- the importance of having fun for staying healthy
- the laws of life which we need to follow to stay healthy and symptom-free
Emotional Program Exercises
Depending on the length of time we work together, and your personal circumstances, we will cover some or all of the following self-care techniques and exercises in order to bring you back to health:
- specific exercises to dissolve and transform negative emotions that you will be able to use for life
- specialist healing meditations to clear negative emotional energy from the organs
- how to safely and effectivley manage emotions when they arise
- how to interpret your body intelligence communication and emotions so that you can take corrective action in order for emotions to dissolve
- how to communicate honestly while feeling safe so that unspoken or unresolved feelings do not continue to block your energy flow and potentially build up to illness
- how to value yourself and grow your self-worth
- how to communicate asssertively and safely so that you can speak your truth and be your authentic self without fear of consequences
- how to stop the energy-draining habit of worrying so that you mind feels at ease and can be freed up for more creative endeavours
- how to create clear boundaries with others around mental, emotional or physical abuse so that you no longer have to live in stress or fear
- how to clear the decks of unfinished business that has been too difficult to complete so that your energy is freed up for what you want to do
- how to say no without feeling guilty so that you feel your self-worth and rediscover self-confidence
- how to stop comparing yourself with others and know that you are OK right now
- how to manage emotions safely so that emotional energy is freed up and no longer draining your vitality
- how to trust your body intelligence and blend your intuition with your mind so that you feel that you can trust yourself again and know when others are being honest
- how to move from a state of disempowerment to self-mastery so that you can move forward with your life into a better future
- how to relax without feeling guilty so that you know it's ok to take time out to nourish your body and mind
Key factors
During the program we will take into account many factors of your life including:
- your past and family history, how this has contributed to your condition and how to move past this to a new future
- your present situation, how that may be perpetuating your condition and how to change or eliminate any life-depeleting circumstances
- daily habits or routines which may not be conducive to good health and replacing them with new life-affirming habits
- food and exercise, ascertaining what is right for you
- hobbies, interests, goals, passion, purpose - making sure that you have enough stimulation and fulfillment in your life
- work - helping with any work-related issues that have been frustrating you
- key relationships - sorting any personal issues that may be contributing to malaise
- beliefs, patterns of consciousness and thinking habits - helping you to understand how your patterns of thinking affect health
- your living environment - making beneficial adjustments as necessary to the space you live or work in because our environment affects how we feel
By the end of the program, you will have learnt a huge amount about yourself which you previously did not know, and how to take care of yourself... from the inside out.
Most clients have excellent success, some recovering completely within a very short space of time. Testimonials of clients
Transforming your life
What matters...more than your health?
Can you imagine how different your life would be if you could resolve your current situation?
At the Art of Health we know it IS possible to heal and change, and often we need a helping hand.