Becoming the master of your wellbeing is THE ART OF HEALTH
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Specialist Treatments

Groundbreaking Services
The Art of Health offers cutting edge information and strategies for understanding the workings of the human mind and body. Consultations, Seminars, Online Teleseminars, Free Advice and Inspiration helping you to reunite body, mind and spirit...

Mickel Therapy
Mickel Therapy is a specialist talking therapy designed to identify the cause of chronic conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, fibromyalgia, stress and depression. Plus it gives you the tools to heal...

Qi Gong and Meditation
Qi Gong and meditation calm the mind, relax the body, increase flexibility, improve focus, prevent and heal illness. The gentle exercises are simple, effective and easy to learn...

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Qi Gong makes it to the mainsteam
in Womans Day Magazine
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The Art of Health point of difference
'We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world'
What makes our services unique?
At the Art of Health we understand that good health is the result of far more than only good food and exercise. We take a holistic approach which takes into account the mental and emotional wellbeing of clients at a very profound level.
We like to think that our services are quite unique in several ways - this is what makes us stand out from the crowd...
Our first priority is to help people with their health. One of the most important things Kim has learnt about health education is that it has to come from the heart, not just the head. Kim is passionate about sharing the knowledge and tools she has learnt over the years so that you can become the master of your health.
We specialize in helping people take care of their health without outside interventions such as medications or supplements. Whilst we are not suggesting that such assistance is sometimes necessary, through many years of personal research Kim has discovered that we have all the inner resources we need to maintain good health. This is a revolution in healthcare at the most fundamental level.
Kim has an innate ability to help people to understand the true cause of their illness, whether this be mental, emotional or physical. And because she understands that the body is a self-healing mechanism and that our natural state is good health, she can help guide you back to health without outside crutches. All the techniques and exercises offered by the Art of Health focus on healing without medication or supplements.
Learning and expertise comes from having personally experienced most of the conditions that clients are dealing with. Whilst professional training in the many health modalities Kim has studied is obviously important, the real reason she is able to teach others is due to having gone through it herself. This allows her to know what works, the traps to avoid and also allows her to have patience and compassion for others experiencing similar issues.
Kim is the best guinea pig for her clients. All the techniques and exercises have been personally tried and tested. She only shares and teaches what works, having first tested it on herself, and then worked with individual clients before sharing in larger groups.
Kim has worked with many clients, both in individual sessions, group workshops and presentations. The tools and exercises she shares have shown to have had excellent results, some clients having remarkable turnarounds within a very short period of time.
We understand that symptoms of pain, whether mental, emotional or physical, are just the body's (very intelligent) way of communicating its needs to its owner. Whilst certain 'conditions' exhibit certain 'symptoms', each person's set of symptoms will be unique, and are just the signpost to their particular situation. We focus on treating the person as a holistic entity, taking into account all levels of their being.
Because of our unique and in-depth approach, our healing techniques bring true transformation on all levels, and go way beyond just fixing symptoms - no sticking plasters here!
One of the core philosophies at the Art of Health is that we need to learn how to take care of our own health and wellbeing. By the end of our programs you will have a toolbox of selfcare techniques to take away with...for life. We give you the reigns to look after your own health.
The best approach to good health is to avoid ever having to become ill. Unfortunately this knowledge and practice has been forgotten in our modern-day, stressed-out society. The Art of Heatlh brings this knowledge back, saving you visits to doctors and health insurance costs.
Kim has a very deep undestanding at a mind-body level of the real causes of illness. No matter what your symptoms are, she can help you identify and interpret what your symptoms are trying to tell you.S
Kim has been researching and finding solutions for illness for over 20 years. In that time she has tried over 150 different therapies, spent thousands of hours and dollars training, experienced both mainstream and alternative options, and has really come to understand the 'laws of health' which we need to follow if we wish to stay well. This is what she can share with you.
Full confidentiality is always assured
What clients have to say about the Art of Health services and programs
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