Becoming the master of your wellbeing is THE ART OF HEALTH
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Specialist Treatments

Groundbreaking Services
The Art of Health offers cutting edge information and strategies for understanding the workings of the human mind and body. Consultations, Seminars, Online Teleseminars, Free Advice and Inspiration helping you to reunite body, mind and spirit...

Mickel Therapy
Mickel Therapy is a specialist talking therapy designed to identify the cause of chronic conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, fibromyalgia, stress and depression. Plus it gives you the tools to heal...

Qi Gong and Meditation
Qi Gong and meditation calm the mind, relax the body, increase flexibility, improve focus, prevent and heal illness. The gentle exercises are simple, effective and easy to learn...

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021 410 633 / 09 833 6553
info "at"
Qi Gong makes it to the mainsteam
in Womans Day Magazine
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Art of Health health presentations client feedback

I have made such a quantum leap...
it was fairly bursting out of me!
I am looking forward to
and am enjoying the new me!
Client feedback from presentations and seminars given by the Art of Health:
Health Presentations
"You provided a wonderful wealth of information"
Guest speaker on teleseminar series 'Inner Mean Girl' 2010:
"You were FANTASTIC and you provided a wonderful wealth of information and perspectives for our members".
Christine Arylo, Director, October 2010
"You certainly gave us food for thought"
Hi Kim,
'Thanks so much for being a fantastic opening speaker, you certainly gave us food for thought and gave a good learning tool, for those who attended, to walk away with and use'.
Sally Connell, Her Business Networks, July 2010
"Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive"
Dear Kim,
'On behalf of the Council and members of the New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists, I should like to thank you for your qi gong presentation at our conference in Wellington last weekend. A number of members commented how good it was to have such an exercise included in the programme.
Feedback we have received from those who attended the conference has been overwhelmingly positive and the weekend was a great success. Thank you again for taking the time out from your busy schedule to join u's.
Paddy McBride, President – New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists, June 2010
"A skilful and passionate presenter"
'Kim is a skillful and passionate presenter, with an excellent professional approach. Thanks!'
AA, Shiatsu Practitioner
"A passionate approach through personal experience"
'Kim has a passionate and dedicated approach to self-healing through personal experience'
JH, Naturopath
* names changed for privacy reasons
Workshop and Seminars
'Feeling safe and connected'
"By the end of this wonderful workshop, I was breathing fully, deeply and unencumbered, with a strong sense of being earthed and connected to all. Kim held a safe, nurturing space and has the ability to clearly describe the more subtle aspects of life energy".
PM, Melbourne, Australia
'Skilful presenter'
"I have learnt much more about how my body feels from the inside, and also increased my loving connection with individual organs. It helped me to be kinder to my body. Kim is a skillful and passionate presenter, with an excellent professional approach. Thanks! "
AA, Shiatsu Practitioner
'Teaching from experience'
Kim has a passionate and dedicated approach to self-healing through personal experience "
JH, Naturopath
'Practical tools'
"Very interesting and immediately useful "
TH, Massage Therapist
'Positively inspired'
I had a great awakening on the first evening. I feel very inspired and positive. I felt my connection to the planet for the first time! Thanks!
BH, New Zealand