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Free 'Introduction to Mickel Therapy'
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Mickel Therapy
Mickel Therapy is a specialist talking therapy developed by a medical doctor in 1999, Dr David Mickel, for identifying and resolving the pain and fatigue symptoms of chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, post viral fatigue, burnout, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, irritable bowel and more.
I was the first therapist to be trained in Mickel Therapy in Australasia in 2006 and I am also a Mickel Therapy Trainer (ie, I train practitioners)..
The premise of Mickel Therapy is that the Hypothalamus gland in the brain has gone into 'overdrive'. The Hypothalamus gland, known as the body's 'master' gland, normally regulates everything (maintains 'homeostasis') in the body, but according to Dr MIckel in chronic health conditions the gland becomes overactive, creating a wide range of symptoms. Rather than concentrating on the stand alone function of the Hypothalamus you will learn how to see it as part of a network of brain systems involved in emotion (often called the limbic system).
A convenient way to put this it is that Mickel Therapy seeks to draw a distinction between the thinking brain and the core emotional mid-brain or body which generates emotions independently of thought. The therapy teaches clients to translate their symptoms back into emotions and take corrective action so the symptoms no longer need to occur.
Think of it like this…
If you were to sit on a pin, your body would send you clear messages of pain. You could try thinking positively, tell someone you were in pain and you might even cry out, but until you listen and act and remove the pin, only then can your body get the message and stop sending the symptom. Mickel Therapy shows you how to understand these useful messages from the body and translate them into action in order to reduce symptoms.
One Client's Story...
"I would like to share with you my story of CFS and my experience of Kim Knight’s Mickel Therapy.
I've had CFS for about 6 years. Before I got sick I was working fulltime in the software industry as a technical writer. I was a fit and active both physically and socially. I seemed to have endless energy that had seen me through five unbelievably stressful years and the completion of a PhD part-time while juggling full-time work and looking after my father as he was going downhill with dementia.
After three years of progressively worsening symptoms I found I had used up almost all my accumulated sick leave at work and felt I was no longer an asset but a liability to my employer. I also felt that deadline-driven nature of my work was making my CFS worse. So I decided to resign and devote my remaining energy and health, to looking for a cure - or at least a treatment that would minimise or manage my symptoms.
I ended up spending the last three years (and thousands of dollars) going to various doctors and naturopaths -- including some who claimed to be CFS specialists. I've tried Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, LP (the Lightning Process), and other forms of counselling. I’ve tried the graded exercise therapy approach, as well as osteopathy and all manner of dietary modifications and supplements recommended by medical/health practitioners or fellow CFS sufferers, whom I met through the CFS Support Group I joined. But nothing made any significant difference.
I knew that eating processed food (or junk food) or drinking alcohol and sugary drinks made my symptoms worse and almost guaranteed a bad crash. I also knew that physical exertion or emotional stress made my symptoms worse but avoiding the wrong foods and drink, and avoiding physical exertion and stress did not prevent my crashes. I felt I had as little control over my crashes and symptoms as I had over the weather.
I was at the point of giving up on finding a cure or treatment, and just learning to accept my increasingly limited life, when I decided to do one last search for treatments that I had not yet tried but that had apparently worked for others. And this is how I came across Mickel Therapy.
After reading about Mickel Therapy and stories of people who had found it helpful, I had a strong gut feeling that this was something that might finally be the answer for me. Having had no real success or lasting results from so many other forms of treatment though, I was pretty sceptical. But I read David Mickel’s book plus the information on Kim’s web site, and then spoke to Kim on the phone and that gave me the confidence to start the therapy.
And I'm so glad I did! After 6 sessions I had learned about all the tools and processes, and was using them every day with great success. Already after the first two sessions I could feel something shift inside me. It was no overnight cure but something was definitely happening. Within three weeks of MT I found that I was having at least 4 or 5 good days and only 1 or 2 bad days a week instead of the other way around.
And now, two and a half two months after starting MT, I am feeling more and more like I used to feel before my symptoms started. I no longer wake up most mornings feeling "green around the gills" as I call it - like I have a horrible hangover or the beginnings of a nasty flu. I'm no longer incapacitated by muscle aches and pains. And best of all, I seem to have overcome the awful brain fog that made my life a misery, making it hard to keep my focus while watching TV or listening to the radio.
It is an almost indescribable joy to feel like I'm regaining the life I used to have. I'm now walking briskly more than 2 kms every day. For most of this year, I’ve haven’t been able to walk 1 easy kilometre once a week without getting ill. Although I haven’t returned to full-time work yet, I spend almost as much time at my computer each day as I did when I was working. I'm working on three different writing projects. I'm learning Spanish and Danish. And I'm venturing out socially again – at least once a week – which is a huge change for me after spending most of this year in social isolation, and being very restricted in the amount of physical activity I could undertake.
Two weeks ago I drove to a cinema on the other side of the city and watched two feature movies in succession. In the past I would have been struggling to sit through one without feeling exhausted by the end and then “crashing” the next day. Two days ago I went to two different writing group sessions on the same day. Earlier this week I walked to the shops instead of driving, and ended up lugging more than 12 kilos of groceries in my shopping stroller over a distance of more than a kilometre back to my place. In the past any of these activities would have pretty much guaranteed a major crash the next day. But that has all changed thanks to MT.
Of course it's still early days, and only time will tell in the long run, but I really feel I've turned the corner. I still get symptoms but not as often and they are not as bad, and do not last as long.
Most importantly, I now have a confidence that I never had before in dealing with my CFS symptoms in particular and my emotions in general. For me the MT with Kim has been life changing. In particular, it's been transforming to understand how unacknowledged emotions that I have not been acting on can generate the wide-ranging and debilitating symptoms of my CFS. Thanks to MT I'm now much more aware of what's going on inside me and feel much more in control of my life. And thanks to MT and Kim's excellent guidance and support, I no longer feel stuck and despondent. Instead I feel I’m well on the way to living the assertive, productive and joyous life I’ve always wanted".
GH, Sept 2014
Mickel Therapy sessions with Kim
I have been working with clients since 2006, and during this time have helped many clients return to health. You can read many testimonials and success stories here.
Consultations are available in person or remotely via phone / skype, and are equally effective by distance. This means that distance is no object to recovery, and you can do the therapy from the comfort of your own home. How great is that?!
What can I expect?
The first session is normally 90 minutes. Follow-on sessions are usually 60 minutes.
Most clients need just a few sessions though every client will differ.
You will be asked to keep notes about frequency and situations when symptoms arise and given other activities to work on outside of sessions. The therapy is very much a team effort between yourself and your therapist.
Contact Kim
If you're ready for lasting positive change, contact me now for an obligation free chat!
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Finalist New Zealand Woman of the Year 2011 | Semi-Finalist Waitemata Health Excellence Award 2012 | Nominee Best Kept Secret 2012 |