Discover how using your emotional intelligence
can prevent illness, ensure good health
and help you live a life of ease and happiness
Become the master of your health!Learn how to use your built-in 'body intelligence' system |
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Why is it important to understand and manage emotions?
- Do you know that managing emotions is the key to good health?
- Do you understand the positive role that negative emotions play in your life?
- Do you know that not managing emotions can lead to severe physical aches and pains, and even chronic long-term illnesses such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel?
- Would you like practical tools, skills and advice to manage your emotions and return to health?
"Now I am back to full health, I have had no symptoms for weeks since the end of the course.
I notice dramatic changes in my health. Now if I do feel any stress, tiredness, emotion or unease I am able to use the techniques that I learnt to identify what is troubling me and deal with things".
Emotional Management - the key to health
During this series you will learn to use your in-built emotional intelligence system to:
- Prevent illness by understanding the early-warning signals your 'body' intelligence sends before you get ill
- Enhance your intuition, tune into your higher self and therebye discover your passion and purpose
- Live life effortlessly by following your 'heart mind' and 'gut brain', which also improves mind power and vitality
"I cannot even believe that I have absolutely no anger at all (over this situation)....
I cannot believe the big change in my emotional response
compared to before I talked to you. WOW!!"
Emotional Health Teleseries
Your key to health, happiness and harmony
When you REGISTER for the Emotional Health Teleseries, you’ll learn…
How to manage emotions to prevent illness and enhance health, including..
- How emotions drive disease and therefore how emotional management is critical for good health
- How emotions are a form of communication trying to give us valuable information if we are willing and ready to listen
- How our body communicates with us via emotions and symptoms
- The difference between emotions and thoughts, why we cannot 'think feelings away' and how we do deal with them
- How we can resolve emotions quickly, easily and effortlessly without having to get emotional
- An unbelievably simple technique to dissolve any emotion in seconds
- The 3 ways our body communicates its needs to us
- How depression is the depressing of emotions and how to avoid depression building up
- How anxiety is an overload of emotions and how to avoid anxiety
- How disease is really just a chronic state of internal, unconscious 'dis-ease'
The meaning of symptoms and what they are really trying to tell you, including:
- How our natural state is good health and happiness, and therefore illness is a straying off-track from our natural state, and what we need to do to get back on track
- How symptoms are a positive form of communicaiton from the body, a way of getting a 'message' through to us, and how we can start to interpret that message
- Why medication usually is only treating the effects rather than the true cause and root of illness, and how to start dealing with the cause
- How it is important to treat the person rather than getting hooked into the symptoms or condition, because the symptoms are just the end result and we need to get to the cause for healing to occur
Practical techniques for identifying, managing and dissolving emotions, including:
- How to dissolve negative emotions in seconds and minutes rather than weeks, months or years
- Easy strategies for reducing the stress response in the body, which automatically turns on the body's self-healing and relaxation response
- How to identify emotions that are hiding themselves away and unconsciously creating physical symptoms
- How to distinguish and feel the physical counterpart of emotional energy in the body
- Learn the emotional causation of illness and how seemingly inconsequential events can later manifest as pain and disease
Stress-management techniques for reducing anxiety and negativity, including:
- Stress is a state of 'dis-ease' and the 'fertile ground' for the 'disease'. When we live in a constant state of stress (fight-flight), our body cannot carry out routine functions properly and over time this will lead to illness.
- Being stuck in the stress response is the opposite of being in the natural self-healing response, and we will take longer to heal and recover from illness if we are stressed.
I understand now that depression is a de-pression of emotions, not a weakness and an inability to cope.
I am able to identify emotions and act accordingly so that I remain in a healthy balanced state.
This understanding has been very powerful".
Register Below
(If you have a discount code, remember to enter it where it says 'enter promotional code')
Outline of all 4 sessions:
Session 1
During this session you will learn about:
- Emotions, what they are and how so-called 'negative' emotions serve a positive purpose in helping us to stay happy, healthy and safe
- What the stress response is, how it is the foundation of 'dis-ease', and how to reduce stress to avoid illness and maintain good health
- How emotions affect our wellbeing at a quantum (microscopic) level in the body and an explanation of quantum physics
- How fear and trauma can be magically transformed just by recognizing and acknowledging them without judgement
- and more!
Hands-on guided exercises:
- A guided exercise to notice how and where emotions are felt physically in the body
- A remarkably simple exercise to help dispel emotions effectively, quickly and simply without drama or trauma
Session 2
During this session you will learn about:
- Stress: what it REALLY is and guidance on how to become aware of and reduce the stress response
- How emotions give us valuable information about our environment
- What action we need to take to dispel uncomfortable or negative emotions
- Which core emotional needs need to be met for every human being by the age of 7 years and what happens when they are not fulfilled
- How specific events create emotional responses, beliefs, behaviours and results
- The difference between thoughts and feelings and why it's so important to understand this if we want to clear negative emotions
- The importance and use of abdominal breathing
Hands-on guided exercises:
- An exercise to identify which emotional needs were not met in childhood
- An exercise to refill emotional needs which are still unfulfilled
Session 3
During this session you will learn about:
- How to increase serotonin hormone levels and turn on the relaxation / self-healing response
- Which organs store exactly which negative and positive emotions
- and much more!
During this session we also consolidate the previous sessions including:
- The role and purpose of emotions
- The stress response
- Quantum physics and energy
- The levels of communication the body uses to communicate its needs
- How thoughts affect the physical body
Hands-on guided exercises:
- An exercise to increase levels of wellbeing, gratitude and self-love
- An exercise to calm the mind, relax the body and re-unite body and mind
- A mini meditation to the heart to clear 'hurt from the heart' and grow positive feelings of love towards self and others
Session 4
During this session you will learn about:
- Depression and what it really is - something you may never hear from any doctor!
- Anxiety and what it really is
- The 4 core families of emotions
- and much more!
Hands-on guided exercises:
- A guided exercise to dissolve emotional energy
- How to communicate feelings and needs safely, effectively and easily
Register Below
(If you have a discount code, remember to enter it where it says 'enter promotional code')
About Kim Knight, emotional intelligence (EQ) and stress eradication expert
Kim has been studying the phenomenon of emotional intelligence and stress management for over 20 years. This came as a direct result of understanding that unconscious emotional 'mismanagement' was the cause of her depression (de-pressing emotions), back pain (feeling lack of support), chronic fatigue (chronic block of emotional energy), hayfever (feeling irritated), bladder infections (fear), anxiety (overload of emotions) and more.
Through learning how to identify, manage, dissolve and resolve emotions, Kim has healed herself from a number of chronic conditions deemed incomprehensible and incurable by many medical doctors.
Kim has studied emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ) from both an Eastern and Western perspective, training in a number of cutting-edge energy pyschology techniques such as Mickel Therapy, Moativational Medicine, Qi Gong, meditation, energy healing and more.
She now works with clients worldwide helping them to recover from stress, anxiety and chronic illnesses... simply by helping them manage and master their mental and emotional selves.
Kim Knight, EQ and stress management coach
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