Inner Mean Girl Reform School - 3 Secrets to Transforming that Self-Sabotaging Critic

Stop Being so Hard on Yourself!

3 Secrets to Transforming that Self-Sabotaging Critic
in your Head into a Self-Empowering Ally

  • Is your Inner Mean Girl sabotaging your happiness?
  • Want to shut down that over-critical voice in your head?
  • Are you ready to stop being SO hard on yourself?
Inner Mean Girl Reform School - 3 Secrets to Transforming that Self-Sabotaging Critic

Do you have a secret voice inside your head, which only you can hear, which says:

  • “You’re not doing enough… you should be doing more".....
  • “Everyone else has it all figured out… what’s wrong with you?”....
  • “You are not pretty enough, thin enough, rich enough, smart enough"....
  • “No one really loves you. You are unlovable. Damaged goods”.....

And a million other BIG FAT LIES?

These thoughts cause us stress and anxiety while we strive to create happy lives, great relationships and prosperous and fulfilling careers. It makes us feel like we’re not making progress... like no matter what we do, it’s not enough. It even creates unrealistic goals and causes us to strive super hard to reach them – all the while, moving those goals so they’re impossible to achieve.

Inner Mean Girl Reform School - 3 Secrets to Transforming that Self-Sabotaging Critic

My friends, co-founders of Inner Mean Girl Reform School, Amy Ahlers and Christine Arylo call this voice your “Inner Mean Girl™.”

They’ve helped more than 15,000 women transform these self-sabotaging voices into self-empowering ones – the kind that set you up to succeed as you become kinder, gentler and more compassionate with yourself so you can experience the levels of happiness, wealth, health and love you desire.

And this summer, they are holding a special mini-summer camp for Inner Mean Girls… a ‘tele-jam’ for women ready to get their Inner Mean Girls out of their bedrooms, bank accounts, body and brain.

During this 90-minute Inner Mean Girl Reform School summer tele-jam,

“Stop Being So Hard On  Yourself … 3 Super Power Secrets to Transform your Self-Sabotaging Voice In Your Head Into A Self-Empowering Ally Instead”

You’ll learn:

  • Why you compare yourself to others, constantly feeling like you are never measuring up, continuously putting yourself last, striving super hard to reach impossible goals(even though you never quite get there!)
  • Which Inner Mean Girls are running your life – is your inner critic a Comparison Queen, Loveless Lulu or a Good Girl?(the truth will set you free!)
  • How to Tell Which Voice Is Giving You Advice – are you hearing your Inner Wisdom’s wise counsel or your Inner Mean Girl’s self-sabotage talk? (this one skill can shave YEARS off your personal growth journey as you learn to act in self-loving ways!)
  • Fast tricks for stopping comparison, self-criticism, self-judgment, and self-doubt- you’ll learn how to switch the channel in your mind in less than 5 minutes (with less negative mind chatter you’ll have more time for you!)
  • The steps to re-deploying your Inner Mean Girl by Assigning Her a Brand New Job –One that helps you achieve everything you want, more quickly than you previously thought possible

If you’re ready to stop sabotaging yourself and setting yourself up to fail, then it’s time to transform your Inner Mean Girl™ – and start enjoying a brand new, self-empowering ally.

Read what some very well-known people are saying about Amy and Christine's work:

Inner Mean Girl Reform School - 3 Secrets to Transforming that Self-Sabotaging Critic

“Over the course of a few years, knowing Amy and Christine and their work reforming the Inner Mean Girl, I have found their work to be one of the most powerful programs in helping women step out of their own way and into their heart.”

-Kristine Carlson, NY Times Bestselling Author of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff for Women and Moms!

Inner Mean Girl Reform School - 3 Secrets to Transforming that Self-Sabotaging Critic

“The Inner Mean Girl Reform School is absolutely dynamite. Amy Ahlers and Christine Arylo have developed a program that masterfully teaches women how to stop being so hard on themselves.”

-Marci Shimoff, NY Times Bestselling Author of Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason

Amy and Christine have each experienced living under the thumb of an Inner Mean Girl, and in this summer school session, they’re pulling back the curtain on exactly how to get out!

I’ve heard both Amy and Christine teach before, and I highly recommend them.

Inner Mean Girl Reform School - 3 Secrets to Transforming that Self-Sabotaging Critic

During this 90-minute class, you’ll learn:

Why do you…

  • Compare yourself?
  • Constantly feel like you are falling behind, or never measuring up?
  • Set yourself up to fail?
  • Continuously put yourself last?
  • You’ll gain the power to be kinder, gentler and more compassionate with yourself… you won’t be at the mercy of this voice, you’ll be more in control.

The Most Common Types of Inner Mean Girls & The Weapons They Use to Steal Your Joy… and see which one is running your life

  • There are over 17 different archetypes of the Inner Mean Girl – we’ll introduce you to three of the most common Comparison Queen, Perfectionist, and Loveless Lulu.
  • You’ll gain awareness as to which ones are running you right now (Awareness is step #1 in Inner Mean Girl transformation!)

How to Tell the Difference Between Your Fear & Self-Doubt Talking Smack and Your Inner Wisdom Speaking Truth

  • Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between the voices in your head – we’ll share with you how to tell the difference
  • You’ll gain the skill to tune into your Inner Wisdom so you can make faster, better decisions that actually lead to happiness and success.

What to Do When You Start to Compare, Criticize, Judge, and Doubt Yourself…learn how to switch the channel in your  mind in less than 5 minutes!

  • We’ll share simple but mighty processes that empower you to transform negative self-talk into smart Inner Wisdom talk in the moment – including the Self-Love Soak and the 3-Step Wake Up Call
  • You’ll gain the power to head comparison, self-judgment and self-doubt off at the pass, so they don’t hijack your day!

The Steps to Re-Deploying Your Inner Mean Girl by Assigning Her a Brand New Job

  • One that helps instead of hurts! We show you how to use her powers for good vs. evil, and gain a new ally on team YOU.

The most important relationship in your life is your relationship with YOU.

When you transform it, everything else transforms, too.


Inner Mean Girl Reform School - 3 Secrets to Transforming that Self-Sabotaging Critic



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